Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Organic Gardening ? Am i crazy??

Okay i working through a few problems.. like my pear trees looking awful and my grapevine's being attack by ant's! I was picking leaves for canning (ill post the recipe) and the tips of the plant was covered with ants.  Ill let you know organic solution's i find or if someone has suggestion's i would love that. I think ill ask Emilio Estevez he tweeted me back once and i hear he's a wine maker.


  1. With organic gardening your threshold of tolerance for some damage and not so nice looking plants has to be high. Don't worry, it will pass so hang in there. Diactomaceous earth will take care of ants (organic) and BT (also organic) will take care of caterpillars.

    1. Ive got diactomaceous thanks for reminding me :) Every thing is doing really well except the melons and i just put some eggshells around the bottom becouse i think its slugs. My fruit tree's will have to be watched closely. On a positive note i took cuttings from my grapevine and they already have growth.Im thinking its the strong stock that it came from. They have been on this property for over one hundred year's...Amazing!
